If, indeed, it was your intention to attend, and forces beyond your reckoning make or have made attendance impossible, then, by the powers vested in me as director of this event, I will FULLY REFUND* your money before June 1st, 2025 – (*a $125 admin fee applies to all refunds)
After June 1, this is the refund schedule. Please understand that we have event expenses that are dependent on your registration and that asking for a REFUND late in the schedule often prevents somebody else from planning their trip and being able to take your seat!  Thanks! June 2- August 15:   50% REFUND After August 15: NO REFUND (unless you have a good story!

This is our basic policy.  If you have specific concerns, talk to me, I'll work with you.  Please respect that this event has financial responsibilities that must be met - and not out of my personal pocket.

Feeling anxiou$, or otherwi$e? We suggest TRIP INSURANCE.